HydroSeal includes “Performance Enhanced Tab System%XE2%X80? an innovative engineered design feature that creates a pre-tabbed release paper
HydroSeal is a waterproof barrier used to cover and protect any vascular access device, dressing, or surgical incision site during showering or sponge bathing
Manufacturer # HS7X7
Brand HydroSeal
Manufacturer 2G Medical LLC
Country of Origin United States
Application IV Site Barrier Protector
Color Clear
Dimensions 7 X 7 Inch
Is_Active_Vendor Y
Is_Discontinued N
Is_Medical_Device N
Length 5 to 12 Inch Length
Lot_Tracking_Flag N
Material Film
On_Allocation N
Securing Method Tabs
Supplier_ID 60739033
UNSPSC Code 42221508
Usage Disposable
Width 7 to 8 Inch Width