ZINPLAVA is a prescription medicine used to help decrease the risk of C-diff from coming back in people 18 years of age or older who are taking an antibiotic for C-diff and who have a high risk of C-diff coming back
ZINPLAVA is not an antibacterial drug
Manufacturer # 00006302500
Brand Zinplava™
Manufacturer Merck
Country of Origin United States
Application Therapeutic Human Monoclonal Antibody
Container Type Single-Dose Vial
Dosage Form Injection
Generic Drug Name Bezlotoxumab
Is_Active_Vendor Y
Is_Discontinued N
Is_Medical_Device Y
Lot_Tracking_Flag N
NDC Number 00006302500
On_Allocation N
Product Dating McKesson Acceptable Dating: we will ship >= 180 days
Storage Requirements Requires Refrigeration
Strength 25 mg / mL
Supplier_ID 3885337
Type Intravenous
UNSPSC Code 51201806
Volume 40 mL